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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How to install wordpress on your local computer

How to install wordpress on your local computer

Apparently after trying other blogging platforms like wordpress got me hooked naked girls to get to know one of the CMS (Content Management System) that has been popular among bloggers, but it is never too late to get to know this wordpress platform. Since I am currently studying the structure to be able to make a wordpress theme template or theme for this type of platform, and the end result I managed to also create their own wordpress theme, although still very simple, because I have no basic academic for the PHP programming language that in fact many use the wordpress platform, an important principle of trial and error I still use: d.

Therefore I post how to install wordpress in local computer, to help me in learning how to make wordpress theme, despite being a great tutorial that discusses how to install wordpress into your own computer that serves as a localhost. The materials need to be prepared is as follows:

Xampp - combined application (apache, myqsl, php) is used to make your computer act as a server (local host).

Wordpress - is a CMS (Content Management System)

When the installation process I use xampp wordpress version 1.7.3, and version 2.9 and in the operating system Windows XP service pack 2. The process of installing wordpress in local computer is very easy, the first thing to do is download the application on xampp and wordpress with the click logo.

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Then if the second application is finished downloading, the next thing is:

1. Xampp install the application first by left clicking 2 times on xampp application, then a dialog box and extract files stored in the directory C: \.

2. Click Install and follow the next steps, after the exit prompt as follows:

This prompt asks whether you want to display shortuts the desktop / startmenu? type y if you want or n if it does not want.

3. Then the prompt will appear asking if xampp path is correct or not? Click yes and n y if otherwise

4. It will then prompt whether you want to create a portable xampp? My suggestion type n aja

5. Then came the prompt that asks for a date-time configuration settings, press enter to skip this section (nb - sorry ga da screenshootnya: d)

6. Then came the last prompt for selection of services, type 1 to start the xampp services
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7. Done already Intallasi xampp into the computer, turn on Apache and MySql service click on the start button
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Now living wordpress installation into a computer, the steps that need to do mate is:

1. wordpress file and extract the results will be there wordpress folder.

2. then open Windows Explorer to the directory C :/ / xampp htdocs folder and locate the folder and then move wordpress
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3. after open internet browser buddy, on adreess bar type http://localhost/phpmyadmin press enter it will appear phpmyadmin dashboard, and then create a sample database click create wordpressku

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4. then open a new tab in the browser will display the type http://localhost/wordpress commands for configuration files

5. after click create configuration files then you will be notified as follows:

6. then enter the database name: wordpressku username: root password: (blank in the aja)
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7. then after the install command submit will appear, click run the install
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then the contents of the blog title liking buddy and pal email, then click install wordpress

8. once finished it will be no notification that the install was successful and there was a notice random username admin and password (for password please copy and paste in a text editor like notepad in)

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9. then click Log In, then will go to the admin panel where to fill in the username and password (the password is in the content that we paste into a text editor)

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10. tadaaaaa .. survivors finally get in wordpress dashboard, to facilitate re-entry btw be sure to change the password that is easy to remember.

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11. and the last to get into the log back http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin type in the address bar of the browser.

Pyuuh end finishes also make a tutorial how to install wordpress in local computer that will act as the local host. Hopefully sharing the experience to install wordpress to your computer could be useful for my friend who are new to WordPress as my platform.

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