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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Vegetable Recipes Special Lodeh

Vegetable Recipes Special Lodeh

Vegetable lodeh surely you are familiar with vegetable lodeh native cuisine of Indonesia. Vegetable lodeh was already flourishing in Indonesia, almost all from Sabang to Merauke must know lodeh even diwarung-vegetable stalls jalanpun mostly include vegetables vegetable lodeh as one of their flagship.

While the vegetables are well known lodeh almost all of Indonesia, but you need to know not everyone who likes vegetables lodeh can make a delicious vegetable lodeh did not even make vegetable lodeh. Maybe one of you. But quiet you do not need to worry because here I know what you need, the Special Lodeh Vegetable Recipes.

Many ways to make vegetables lodeh, this is because every region in Indonesia has a tongue taste different but this time Vegetable Recipes Special Lodeh I write here is Lodeh Special Vegetable Recipes taste of Java

How to Make Vegetable Lodeh

Basic Materials Make Vegetable Lodeh:

200 g young jackfruit which has been cut into pieces
1 piece of eggplant, cut 2, cut into pieces
150 g green beans, cut into 3 cm in length
75 grams of fruit melinjo
50 grams of leaves young melinjo
5 pieces of green pepper, cut 2
250 ml of liquid milk
1000 ml thick coconut milk
2 cm galangal, geprek
2 bay leaves
salt and sugar to taste
Refined Vegetable Seasoning Recipe Lodeh:

7 pieces of red onion
3 cloves of garlic
2 pieces of red pepper major
1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste
1 teaspoon coriander
1 teaspoon kencur
How to Make it:

Boiled young jackfruit, bay leaves and galangal with coconut liquid hinga half-baked.
Stir-fry until the spices smell fragrant. After the fragrant spice to a stew insert young jackfruit.
Enter the long beans, eggplant, and leaves melinjo melinjo and coconut milk. Cook over low heat.
Continue to stir until all ingredients cooked.
Some there are who prefer vegetables lodeh that the material is very soft and tend to be almost destroyed. Usually they have suppressed the lodeh vegetables for 1 day before the marinade consumed for more pervasive.

Tags: cake recipes Vegetable lodeh, lodeh vegetable recipes, vegetable recipes lodeh, lodeh delicious vegetable recipes, vegetable recipes lodeh Java, Vegetable, Vegetable lodeh delicious recipes, vegetable lodeh Java
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